On Monday Cory and I went to Kindergarten Registration for this cute little guy. He was super excited and loved the attention. Cory asked him if he was nervous to do the assessment and he rolled his eyes and said "No Way." While we were there he asked me if he gets to go to kindergarten the next day. He is READY! Way more ready than me! Do I have to send him? Is my youngest really going to leave me? Is he really going to head out the door everyday with his big brother and go to elementary school?? I've always said that I would not be sad when my kids were all in school. I guess I've gone soft. Now I want some time back. I want his skin to stay soft and squishy. I want to snuggle on the couch with him and hide under his blanket.
Yesterday I went to New Beginnings for Young Womens for this little girl! She was also WAY excited! She even got dressed up in a skirt I have never gotten her to wear. She wanted to wear my dangly black earrings and she brushed her hair without me asking her to do it! Before we even got there I could tell she was wanting to become a young women before my eyes. She LOVED every minute of the night. She was thrilled to be introduced and have them talk about her. She told me she loved the speakers talk on hope and faith. She loved the brownie, cheesecake, strawberry, whip cream dessert (all her favorites!). And most of all she loved talking to the two beehives that sat behind us at the end. I watched her talk to them and I could see how happy she was. I wasn't prepared to feel so sad there! I am excited about this new phase in her life. I know she will love it. But I am not ready for her to become a young women!
I hope she always wants to dance and sing together in the kitchen and be silly with me. I hope she keeps laughing at me. I hope she will always write me cards when she is happy, sorry and sad. I hope she always wants to spend time together 'just you and me." Most of all I want her to keep talking to me!
So this week has found me a little too sad. I know it's all cliche' to say I wish they would stay little. But this week it's too much to see them change and grow up so fast.
6 years ago